Children and youth are not just the future of the church...
they are an integral part of our church.
Children attend and participate in our regular 10:00 a.m. worship service. We offer Church School part way through the worship service for grades Pre-K through 8th grade. They are dismissed to follow their teachers to their respective classrooms after the Children's Message.
On Communion Sundays, which are the first Sunday of each month, we hold Big Meeting, which is a one-room Children’s Service in Unity Hall. The Children still begin in the sanctuary with their families, are dismissed following the Passing of Peace, and will return to still be with their family before Communion begins. We believe this is a time for children and adults to come together in worship as a community of faith.
The Church School Calendar is available for occasional Sundays when there may not be Church School due to school vacations.
We also have a Kids’ Corner in the back of the sanctuary where there are activity bags for children to use during church. Please return the bag after the service. And the Ushers always have a Children’s Bulletin that can be picked up when you enter the sanctuary.
Feel free to contact May Poduschnick, our Director of Children and Youth Ministries, if you have any questions about children’s programs or Church school or just want to know more about our Church.