serving within

our community

In the spirit of acting locally, service to others within our community is an essential part of our congregation’s ministry.

These programs, generously supported by members of the wider community, continue to change lives and expand the definitions of “neighbor” and “community.” Since these programs depend on many volunteers for their success, we encourage involvement not only by church members but also by folks from the wider community.

Red Clover Children's Center

Red Clover Children's Center is a child care center in Middlebury, VT for children ages 6 weeks to 3 years old. Red Clover is housed within The Congregational Church of Middlebury, UCC.

RCCC was founded as an acknowledgement of the child care crisis that impacts the families and children in our community. The intention behind opening RCCC is to provide 24 high quality care and education opportunities to the Addison County community in a way that is equitable and accessible to all. 

Visit their website here.

La Comunidad

La Comunidad is a ministry that focuses on opening a space for the Latinx and Spanish-speaking migrant worker population in Addison Country, to connect more deeply with one another and the wider community. Volunteers welcome the guests who gather in Fellowship Hall for a time of prayer in Spanish, candle lighting, and to share a traditional meal. 

These monthly gatherings, averaging around 30 to 40 people, have allowed us to get to know one another more meaningfully. Some of our partners have been The Open Door Clinic and the Addison County Parent Child Center

Charter House

Our congregation founded Charter House Coalition (CHC) in 2005 and continues to host and support its programs.

Charter House Coalition is a non-profit, volunteer-based organization dedicated to providing basic food and housing in and around Middlebury, Vermont. For the year ending June 30, 2019 volunteers served over 39,500 meals, grew a ton (literally!) of food in our community gardens and housed 134 men, women, and children in our winter shelter and transitional housing programs.

To learn more about Charter House, go to CHC’s website.

friday night Community Supper

Free Community Suppers are served to our neighbors and friends in our Fellowship Hall every Friday. This program provides a free supper every Friday evening from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m.  Each year, more than 35 organizations host a supper. 

The Community Suppers are open to everyone and serve the multiple roles of providing nutritious meals to those who need them and a welcoming setting for community members to gather and connect. 

If you would like to be involved in this ministry, contact Dottie Neuberger at 802-233-7588.

  • Table 21

    Table 21 is a nonprofit corporation in Middlebury, Vermont that provides grants to local farms, restaurants and small businesses impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. This assistance is made possible by generous donations and is administered by a Board of Directors, led by Rev. Andy Nagy-Benson, senior pastor of The Congregational Church of Middlebury (UCC).

    visit table 21 website

    News Report on NECN Channel 5

    Article from NECN

Other community organizations

  • We actively support Church World Services CROP Hunger Walk every October to raise money to help end hunger globally and locally.
  • We support the work of other local organizations, such as The Open Door Clinic, HOPE, Habitat for Humanity … and many more.
  • We encourage and gather contributions to the local Food Shelf every Sunday.