
Our mission is to live as Jesus taught, loving God and loving our neighbors as ourselves.

"This church is a place where, when the door opens, it opens to all; 

where everyone is welcome at the table; 

where we continue to learn, share and serve together in love."

  • Services

    Our 10:00 a.m. Sunday morning service is our traditional service with music, scripture reading, and preaching. We are currently meeting in person for this service, and we are live-streaming. Join us live via our Facebook page or YouTube pageYou can also view previous worship services and other videos here.

    Each Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. we have MIDDWeek Morning Prayer via Zoom. During this service, we share prayer concerns, meditate on scripture, and listen to centering music. All are welcome! Zoom link here. You can also call in at 929-436-2866, with meeting ID 865 4123 2698. All are welcome!

    Our 4:00 p.m. Sunday afternoon service is called "New Light." It is an informal and inclusive service of song, silence, scripture and Communion. This service is held in Unity Hall, in our new addition. Right now, New Light will be held on the third Sunday of the month.

  • children in worship

    The trained staff who oversee our nursery — located downstairs, off of Fellowship Hall — would be happy to care for your child (ages 0 to 4) during the Sunday morning service.  The nursery is open at 9:45 a.m.


    Older children tend to sit with their families in the sanctuary at the beginning of the service, come forward for the Children’s Message, then go to Church School classrooms.  


    Of course, if your child would like to stay with you for the whole service, that is completely fine!   When we say “All are welcome,” we mean children, too.  


    Please contact Eliana Cañas Para if you would like to learn more.

  • Music

    Music is an important part of our worship together. 

    A variety of music is offered in our services as we celebrate musical gifts from members of our congregation and professionals from the greater community. We have a rich opportunity to be moved to a deeper understanding of God and our Christian faith.

    Music Programs

  • Weddings

    The Congregational Church of Middlebury extends to you our best wishes at this important and happy moment in your lives. We are glad that you are considering this beautiful and historic church as the place for your wedding

    Wedding Brochure

  • Funerals and memorial services

    Our sanctuary is available for funerals and memorial services, and the Board of Pastoral Care would be honored to host a reception for you and your loved ones after the service in Fellowship Hall.  You can contact Judy Albright, our Church Administrator (802-388-7634), if you have questions or would like to speak to one of our pastors.  

    Funeral Brochure