growing together

There are small groups within the church to help you get acquainted with people and become connected within the church. Try one, or several, to see which ones work for you. 

  • adult study

    Short-term Bible study courses and other adult education opportunities are offered by Pastor Andy, Pastor Elizabeth, and others throughout the year.

    See our Happening in Our Church  page to find upcoming classes, art programs, Bible or other book studies that are scheduled.

  • MIdd-Week morning prayer

    Each Wednesday morning at 9:00 a.m., Pastor Andy or Pastor Elizabeth lead a 60 minute prayer service over Zoom. It is an informal, intimate time of prayer, scripture reading, music, and candle lighting. All are always welcome. 

    Zoom link here. Passcode is 220208.

  • Midducc walking group

    Our group of folks are gathering around Middlebury for walks on Monday mornings at 9:00 a.m. No walks until April or May at the moment. Call Lois Farnham for the weekly details at 989-7279.

  • green team

    We care for God's creation. The Green Team’s goal is to inspire the congregation to work with greater intention toward lessening our environmental impact through both individual and community actions. 

    Learn more about what we are doing

  • ladies lunch

    and men's lunch bunch

    The Ladies' Lunch group meets the third Thursday of every month at Route 7 South Sandwich Co at 11:30 a.m. The cost of the lunch depends on what you order; all are welcome. Contact Erika Garner for more information.

    Sign Up for the next lunch here.

    The Men's Lunch Bunch group meets the third Thursday of every month at 12:00 p.m. at Rosie’s Restaurant. Cost of the luncheon depends on what you order.  Anyone interested in joining us, please just show up at Rosie’s. If you have questions, or if you need a ride, please call Mal Chase at 802-989–0037.

  • Holiday Bazaar

    The annual Holiday Bazaar is a church-wide fundraising event, traditionally held on the first Saturday of November. On this day, our church's Unity Hall, Fellowship Hall, meeting rooms and hallways are transformed into a holiday-style marketplace. The entire community is invited and welcomed into our church home to shop for items including handmade crafts, homemade foods, jewelry, books, toys and games, and much more. The church bazaar has been supported by church members and volunteers of all ages every year since 1924 when it was first hosted by the church’s Women’s Fellowship.

    Contact Ruth Penfield or Judy Jessup if you would like to be involved next year.

  • prayer circle

    The Prayer Circle is a small-group ministry of our congregation. If you have a prayer request to share or would like to learn more about The Prayer Circle, please let the church staff know or email Paige Russell. All prayer requests will be held in confidence.

  • affinity groups

    These are a small groups within our church that meet regularly to read and discuss together, dialogue and debate, share and encourage one another in our journeys of faith. Affinity Groups are a year-long venture, however joining an Affinity Group is not a binding decision. We expect people to come and go as their calendars require.  The group members choose which books to study.

    • Currently there is a group that meets monthly, usually on the 2nd Friday of the month from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m. Contact May Poduschnick if you are interested in finding out more.
  • Church Calendar

    Check our Church Calendar for meeting times and locations of some of our activities.