Judy Albright & Mira Cabrera - Design and Publishing
Elizabeth Davis - Editor
Judy Albright & Mira Cabrera - Design and Publishing
Elizabeth Davis - Editor
January 2025
Rev. Andy Nagy-Benson
Dear Friends,
Despite my ambivalence about New Year’s Eve celebrations, I do cherish the invitation that January offers—an invitation to trust, and discover, and learn new things. I wonder if you can imagine, alongside artist Jan Richardson, this new year waiting, waiting to welcome you, waiting to greet you with God’s abundant blessings. Perhaps Richardson’s words will magnify the hope that is in us as we approach the door of 2025.
This blessing
has been waiting for you
for a long time.
While you have been
making your way here,
this blessing has been
gathering itself,
making ready,
biding its time,
This blessing has been
polishing the door,
oiling the hinges,
sweeping the steps,
lighting candles
in the windows.
This blessing has been
setting the table
as it hums a tune
from an old song
it knows,
something about
a spiraling road
and bread
and grace.
All this time
it has kept an eye
on the horizon,
keeping vigil,
hardly aware of how
it was leaning itself
in your direction.
And now that
you are here,
this blessing
can hardly believe
its good fortune
that you have finally arrived,
that it can drop everything
at last
to fling its arms wide
to you, crying
May God’s grace accompany us all throughout the year ahead.
With love,
Pastor Andy
We listened to all the reports from the Treasurer and our Pastors and reviewed the reports from the Board Chairs. Leanna reminded everyone of the dates for submission for the Annual Report and gave the update on the success of the pledge campaign for 2025.
Erika gave a progress report on the 2025 Budget. She noted that the salary section will have a significant increase, with both Pastors having a sabbatical this year. We heard a report of the Nominating Committee. They nominated Dan Brown to serve a 2-year term on the Board of Trustees, and Council approved this appointment of Dan Brown to the Trustee Board..
Leanna reported for the Sabbatical Team, and said they are making good progress on filling the needs for Pastoral duties, but are still looking for at least one additional Pastor for part time/backup needs.
We had a good discussion about the job description and needs for a new Building Manager. Council authorized a small team to work on this.
Wendy presented the recommendation for the Christmas Eve collection. Council approved the donation of 80% to Charter House and 20% to the Poor People's Campaign of this collection. We had a short discussion about the need for security at the Christmas Eve services and Council approved hiring security for Christmas Eve.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Foster, Clerk
Between annual meetings, the Church Council meets once a month to fulfill its responsibility to coordinate the church's programs and business. Council has the powers generally ascribed to a corporation's board of directors.
The Church Council is composed of the following Church members: Moderator, Clerk, Treasurer, Senior Pastor, Associate Pastor, and the chairpersons of the six church boards. Also, there are three at-large members. One is elected every year and serves a 3 year term.
The basic life and work of the church is under the direction and supervision of church boards, which meet monthly at the All Boards Meeting and report to the Church Council. Members of these boards are elected from the membership of the church.
Church School News
We had a wonderful time presenting the Christmas Pageant A Night in Bethlehem. The story is not any different, but it tells the story of Jesus’ birth through the perspectives of the main characters in the gospel stories. We had 10 speaking roles and 20 children in total participating in the pageant. We are so grateful for the support and guidance from Tara Affolter and the amazing church family. So proud of the kids and appreciative of the families that supported this effort.
Starting in January, we plan to have three classes once again:
• PreK - 2: Taught by Stacia Greene
• Grades 3-5: Taught by Rik Poduschnick
• Grades 6-8: Taught by Jean Fifield
We will all be starting a new curriculum with the theme of Godly Living, starting with Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount.
JYG (Junior Youth Group)
Baked and decorated a lot of beautiful Christmas cookies with extra help from our friend Nancy Adams. These cookies were packed and given as part of Midd Kid Care packages. We also made 30 Christmas cards for the Board of Pastoral Care to distribute to church members. This group of youth groupers help and serve cheerfully and bring a wonderful spirit to all they do.
Nursery News
Our nursery program is running smoothly, and the nursery is getting plenty of use in addition to Sunday mornings. The Parent Playgroup kids use it on the second Saturday, and La Comunidad also uses it on the third Sunday.
Nursery attendance has been about eight on average, keeping the two teens and one adult plenty busy. Always grateful to our teen nursery staff and adult volunteers. Since the nursery operates 52 weeks a year, we always welcome additional adult volunteers to join us in caring for our youngest members.
Confirmation Class
Meets on the second Sunday of each month from October to March, with confirmation Sunday planned for Sunday, April 6. There are currently seven Confirmands (six 9th graders, one 10th grader), each matched with a member of the congregation as their mentor. This group is working with Pastor Andy and myself in preparation for their confirmation in April.
Music Director
Last night, the Chancel Choir had its final rehearsal before the Christmas Eve service. We spent most of our time preparing a new choral anthem for the offering, a musical setting by Dale Trumbore of a poem by Paul Laurence Dunbar called "Christmas Carol." Trumbore titled the piece "Ring Out, Ye Bells," the first words of the poem. Here is a little taste of the incredible Dunbar text:
Ring out, ye bells!
All Nature swells
With gladness at the wondrous story—
The world was lorn
But Christ is born
To change our sadness into glory.
We greatly anticipate sharing this new anthem with everyone in just a few short days. Till then, we bide our time in the final days of Advent, patiently and expectantly waiting for the joyous story to come. I look forward to many more musical opportunities in the New Year, including more Taizé services, the return of handbells, many musical guests, and more.
Welcome New Members: Gus & Laurie Jordan
Gus and Laurie Jordan have lived in Vermont since 1996. Both recently retired from Middlebury College, Laurie as Chaplain Emeritus and Gus as Executive Director of Health and Counseling Services. They have three adult children, Andrew, Katherine, and Lindsay, and two grandchildren, Henry (age 6) and Daisy (age 3). Lindsay joined the MiddUCC last year, and Henry and Daisy both attend church school here.
Epiphany Stars!
On January 5th, we will celebrate Epiphany Sunday and continue our cherished tradition of offering "Epiphany Stars" to anyone in the congregation who would like one. Each star has a word printed on it, and you are invited to reflect on this word as a guide throughout the season of Epiphany—or even the entire year.
Just as the magi followed a star to find Jesus, we hope these stars will help guide us closer to God in the year ahead. We encourage you to place your star in a spot where you will see it regularly—on your refrigerator, bathroom mirror, car dashboard, work cubicle, or even tucked in your wallet—somewhere it can inspire and remind you of your spiritual journey.
May God bless and guide us all as we journey together!
Taking Down the Greens
I hope you and your family enjoyed a Merry Christmas!
It will soon be time to take down the greens in the sanctuary in order to get ready for the season of Epiphany. Along with the Helping Hands Crew, we'll need others to join us, so we'd love to have your help. We'll meet on Monday, January 6, at 10:00 a.m..
Contact Dorothy Douglas, 388-6257 or jdmamidd@comcast.net.
Justice, Compassion, Democracy in 2025 & Beyond
What role, if any, should the Church have in engaging social and political issues in the public domain? Religious leaders are calling for varied responses to the emerging policies of our national government, and to rising Christian nationalism. Robin Meyers, a respected UCC pastor, has written an article that is sharply self-critical of responses by the Church and its pastors.
On two Sundays, January 5 and 19, following worship, we will discuss Meyers’s perspectives and explore alternative approaches. Together, we’ll ask, “Where do we go from here (or not)?” Our pastors will participate in the discussion, with John Emerson facilitating and posing key questions to guide our conversation.
Please read Reverend Robin Meyers’s article in advance and reflect on these questions:
- Which points in Meyers’s essay resonate with you?
- Where, if at all, do you disagree?
- Do the Bible and our faith traditions inform these issues?
- Should the Church (our Church) engage these matters publicly?
Join us at 11:30 a.m. in Unity Hall on January 5 and January 19.
La Comunidad
La Comunidad is an outreach program of The Congregational Church of Middlebury that consists of a free, monthly meal for local, Spanish-speaking people—migrant workers, families of migrant workers, and others unaffiliated with farms. It offers a gathering point and as the name suggests, a focal point for community. This month, La Comunidad will happen on January 19th from 5:00 - 7:00 pm. We welcome volunteers to come and join the dinner, play with kids in the nursery, clean up or offer rides for our guests. Contact May Poduschnick (may@midducc.org) if you would like to be involved. Spanish not necessary although helpful.
Parent Playdate
Our monthly Parent Playdate is happening Saturday, January 11 from 4-6pm! This group is for parents of children 4 and under to connect, support one another, and build community. They meet for a meal and conversation, while their little ones enjoy playing in the nursery. Please RSVP to Elizabeth at elizabeth@midducc.org. If you want to provide lasagna for the gathering, please also email Elizabeth!
Online Fellowship
Happy New Year and Blessings!
Join us for Online Fellowship immediately after worship each week. Hal and Jean will lead us in sharing the good things that are happening in our lives, while connecting as a beloved community. On January 12th, we are celebrating our one year anniversary of online fellowship!
It will be the same Zoom link every time.
Meeting ID: 876 3774 4686
Passcode: 063702
PotLuck Lunch
The tables will be set to enjoy a potluck luncheon immediately following the Annual Meeting on Sunday, January 26. All you need to do is bring a dish to share! Food that needs to be refrigerated or kept warm can be dropped off in the kitchen at the Fellowship Hall kitchen before church.
Our Board of Membership & Communications volunteers will receive your dish and follow your instructions. Be prepared to let us know if your dish is vegetarian, nut-free or gluten-free. We’re looking forward to seeing everyone for a warm and joy-filled time together.
January Birthdays
Erika Evarts January 6
Margaret Eagan January 9
Enid Engler January 9
Jim Eagan January 11
Andrew Jordan January 12
Alex Bleich January 13
Lyn DeGraff January 13
Skyeler Devlin January 17
Al Stiles January 17
Diane Munroe January 18
Ashlynn Foster January 21
Bonnie Stevens January 21
Jeff Buettner January 24
Lois Huldin January 24
Diana Davidson January 26
Ethan Kent January 28
Isadora Luksch January 28
Charles Jakiela January 29
Lili Luksch January 29
Sally Holland January 30
Jon Andrews January 31
Ada Munro January 31
Jane Owen January 31
January Anniversaries
Ed & Mary Williams January 1
Carole & Michael Cummings January 2
Judy Albright & Dory Gorton January 6
Matt & Alison Dickinson January 7
Buz & Angelika Brumbaugh January 13; Celebrating 65 yrs!