Judy Albright, Ruth Penfield, Jennifer H. Smith- Design and Publishing

Elizabeth Davis - Editor

September 2024


Rev. andy Nagy-benson

Dear Church,


A journey can become a sacred thing:

Make sure, before you go,

To take time

To bless your going forth,

To free your heart of ballast

So that the compass of your soul

Might direct you toward

The territories of spirit

Where you will discover

More of your hidden life,

And the urgencies

That deserve to claim you.

     —John O’Donohue, “For the Traveler,” from To Bless the Space Between Us


We know something about thresholds. The ones we cross at the beginning of a journey, and the ones at journey’s end. I recently stood at close range to two Middlebury College alumni who exchanged vows and rings before God and guests. Together, we honored the moments that had led to that sacred ceremony, and we bore witness to the couple’s first steps into the future as husband and wife. A threshold moment.


At this time of year, the first red leaves of a neighbor’s maple invoke the beginning of autumn and the end of summer. The rumble of school buses suggests the same. Here at church, September marks the beginning of our program year, and with it, the retirement of summer’s repose and return of hive-like activity. A discernible buzz is in the building these days.


Here on this threshold of a new program year, I give thanks for your good company as we set out to worship and learn and serve and care for one another. This year’s theme—Companions on the Journey—is an apt description of who we are and are becoming. And as we set out, I want to take a moment to bless our going forth: “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace” (Numbers 6:24–26).


Traveling mercies,

Pastor Andy



Church Council did not meet in August. Their next meeting will be Wednesday September 11th.

  • Between annual meetings, the Church Council meets once a month to fulfill its responsibility to coordinate the church's programs and business. Council has the powers generally ascribed to a corporation's board of directors.

    The Church Council is composed of the following Church members:  Moderator, Clerk, Treasurer, Senior Pastor, Associate Pastor, and the chairpersons of the six church boards. Also, there are three at-large members. One is elected every year and serves a 3 year term.

  • The basic life and work of the church is under the direction and supervision of church boards, which meet monthly at the All Boards Meeting and report to the Church Council. Members of these boards are elected from the membership of the church. 

Budget Team Message

As we approach October, which is stewardship month, we are focused on the need for our church family to make pledges to support our programs and personnel. But what items are NOT reflected in the operating budget? The many non-cash contributions of members and friends have a large impact on our annual budget.


How many volunteer hours are spent each year by our congregants and others outside of our church? We made some estimates, and the number is approximately 13,000 hours. That translates to 250 hours every week. 250! This sounds incredibly high, but when we start listing each board and committee, the hours quickly add up. What if we had to pay staff to do these tasks? It certainly would increase our budget.


In what other ways do volunteers support our church? The church is supported with tangible goods: treats for Sunday Fellowship Hour; cookies for Community Suppers; thousands of pounds of donations to the Food Shelf at HOPE; books, crafts, jewelry, soup, and pies to the annual bazaar; among many other donations.


Thank you to each of you who volunteers their time and donates goods. The church’s work could not happen without you. If you want to learn about the volunteer opportunities that serve our church and community, please attend the Open House after church on Sunday, September 15.


—Budget Team Co-chairs Michele Brown (michelelbrown59@gmail.com) and Erika Garner (garnersvt@gmail.com)

Special Sundays

Our program year begins this month with two special Sundays in September!

Welcome Sunday is September 8, when our church school classrooms open for children ages pre-K through grade 8 and our Chancel Choir returns after their summer break. Following the worship service, the Board of Christian Development will host a potluck picnic at the home of Janet and Churchill Franklin.


All are encouraged to invite a friend or neighbor to join us for either or both of these special Sundays! Did you know that most newcomers attend church because a friend invited them? The power of a personal invitation is real, and these first two Sundays of the program year promise to show the depth and breadth of what this community of faith has to offer.


We hope to see you, and a friend, on September 8 and 15!

Welcome Sunday BBQ

After worship on Welcome Sunday, September 8 at noon, please come out to Churchill and Janet Franklin’s farm (564 Cider Mill Road) and start the program year off with the youth of our church!


Everyone is invited! The Boards of Christian Development and Membership will be grilling hot dogs, hamburgers, and veggie burgers, and will provide drinks and desserts. Please bring a side dish or a salad (and a serving utensil) to share.


If you've been before, you'll know this is a perfect place to share a meal and catch up. Picnic tables will be out near the barn, and maybe you can find a chair by the pond. (Sorry, no swimming or zip-lining though!) In the event of rain, we'll just set up inside the barn and leave the grillers to fend off the raindrops! Bring your own plates and utensils if you are able.


Looking forward to seeing you there!

learn about Board service at the open house on September 15! 

The upcoming Open House on September 15 will feature a wide array of volunteer and social activities at the church, including representatives from each of our six boards: Christian Development, Deacons, Membership, Missions and Social Concerns, Pastoral Care, and Trustees. 

Our church boards meet monthly throughout the year and dive deeply into supporting the life of this church. Board members serve a three-year term, though shorter time frames are occasionally available. Every fall, the Nominating Committee begins their work finding 3 to 5 new members for each board, and these volunteers are voted into their roles at our church’s Annual Meeting in January.

If you are interested in learning more about board service, please come to the Open House on September 15 or reach out to Annie Moore-Cox, the chair of the Nominating Committee. We look forward to seeing you there!

Interested in joining our church?

We will be having an informational meeting for anyone considering joining our church on September 22nd after worship. We will be receiving new members to our church on September 29th.


Contact Pastor Andy for more information.

from our new music director

Dear friends,


Hello from your new Music Director! I can already tell this position is going to be a very good fit and that we are going to enjoy our time together. If I have not met you yet, I sincerely look forward to meeting you around church sometime soon!


For now, I want to draw your attention to a few things that might interest you musically. First, the Chancel Choir, which sings every week at the Sunday service, is heartily accepting new members of all ages! We rehearse on Thursday evenings in Unity Hall, 7:00–8:15 p.m. I am also working on revitalizing monthly Taizé services, featuring singers from many churches around Middlebury. With time, other music groups such as Handbells and Sing for Social Justice may take form again. If you are interested in any of the musical offerings I mentioned above, or have other ideas you want to share with me, please do not hesitate to be in touch. My church email address is ronnie@midducc.org. You can also stop by the office to chat in person and tell me ideas you might have!


I look forward to embarking upon this journey with you in the coming months. I enter into my role here at MiddUCC with an open mind, caring heart, and a joyful curiosity for all that is to come.




Welcome back to our 2024-25

Church School year!

Hello Church families!

Welcome back to our 2024–25 Church School year! I am looking forward to journeying with you and your families this new school year and year of life as part of our Middlebury UCC Community.

A few important dates and some changes:

  • Sunday, September 1, 2024 – Communion Sunday, Big Meeting LaunchWe are starting something new this year on Communion Sundays: we will be holding a one-room BIG MEETING for all school-aged kids. We will start out as we usually do in the service. Following the passing of the peace, the children will be dismissed to Unity Hall where we will hold our Big Meeting. We will return to the worship service as Communion is being prepared and remain in the service for the duration. Kids are encouraged to join us at Big Meeting, but they can also choose to remain in the sanctuary with their families.
  • Sunday, Sept 8, 2024 – First Day of Church School and Welcome Picnic Church School begins September 8. Classes will be PreK–2nd grade, taught by Stacia Greene; 3rd–5th grade taught by Rik Poduschnick; and we are still recruiting a 6th–8th grade teacher. If you are interested in helping or being a backup for any classroom, please notify me and I am happy to tell you more!
  • For all new and returning families: please complete the registration form online so we have the most updated information for your children and your families. If you forget to do so, I will have some paper forms that you can complete on the first day of church school as well.

Following church, EVERYONE is invited to the Franklins’ home in Cornwall for our church-wide Welcome Picnic from noon to 2:00. Burgers and hotdogs are provided; please bring a dessert or side to share. 564 Cider Mill Rd, Cornwall.


As a reminder, the nursery will continue to be open and staffed every Sunday from 9:45 to 11:15 a.m., so please register your little ones as well.


We look forward to a blessed year ahead. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns, comments, or suggestions.



May Poduschnick

Community Supper help needed

Our Friday night Community Suppers continue to grow. We have a core group of volunteers who serve our guests. But we need more! The commitment is only about 2 hours on Friday night and as frequent or infrequent as you want. The work is not hard but so important: set tables, serve food, clean up afterwards. 

We believe it’s not only important to make sure our guests are fed but that they are greeted warmly, listened to, and given a place to make connections. We try to make sure they leave knowing that there is always a special place for them at the table. Interested? See Deb Farnham (802-233-1283) or Dottie Neuberger to get signed up. Thank you!

Men's and LAdies' Lunch

The Ladies Lunch will be held at the church in the Russell Carpenter Room at 11:30 a.m. on Thursday, September 19th. There are three options for your meal: 1. Order and pay for your meal at Route 7 South Sandwich Shop by 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, June 19th and let them know it is for the Ladies Lunch. Someone will pick it up and bring it to the church. You can order and pay over the phone by calling (802) 388-3354 or by stopping by the sandwich shop. 2. Bring lunch from home. 3. Purchase and pick up lunch from a location of your choice and bring it with you. You do NOT need to sign up.  Questions?  Contact Erika Garner at garnersvt@gmail.com

The Men's Lunch Bunch will be held at Rosie’s Restaurant on Thursday, September 19th at noon. If you plan to attend the lunch or have questions, please contact Mal Chase at patandmalchase@gmail.com.

helping hands crew

Helping Hands will NOT be meeting on Labor Day, September 2nd; instead, we will meet on Monday, September 9th, from 10:30 to 12:30. I'm not sure yet what we will be doing; it may involve gardens, outside vestibules, etc., so bring your mop bucket just in case. If you have any questions contact Dorothy Douglas at 989-0405 or jdmamidd@comcast.net. Many thanks.

Nursery Help Needed!

Have you noticed?  The nursery has been full of babies and little tots on Sunday mornings this spring! If you are as excited as we are about the recent increase of young families in our congregation, and you would like it to continue, please consider helping in the nursery. 

The nursery is staffed by two (paid) youth workers and two adult volunteers. We need to expand our volunteer pool to accommodate the wonderful addition of little ones we are enjoying. If you are at least 18 years old and available to be in the nursery during worship once every 4–6 weeks, please contact Robin Bentley on the Board of Christian Development at rbentley05@gmail.com

Looking for a way

to help out at church? 

Have flexible hours? We are looking for volunteers to join our Hospitality team! You would be welcoming groups using our building during off hours. If interested, please contact at the office  office@midducc.org or Jeff Ellison at buildingmanager@midducc.org

a message from the green team

A new program year is about to begin, and with it comes the return of our Green Team! Our first meeting will be on Tuesday, September 3, at 7:00 p.m. via Zoom, and all are welcome to join us. We are looking forward to a new year exploring our covenant as a Creation Justice Church and making plans for the month ahead.

Our first church-wide event is a special guest presentation by Rabbi Jay Michaelson on Sunday, October 20, at 11:30 a.m. Dr. Michaelson is a writer, journalist, rabbi, meditation teacher, keynote speaker, and scholar of religion. He will speak to our congregation on navigating the range of emotions that the climate crisis brings: grief, anxiety, rage, joy, and love. More details about this event will be shared as the date approaches, and we hope to see many of you there, online and in Unity Hall! If you would like to be involved with the Green Team this year, please contact sureidstjohn@gmail.com or leanna_maglienti@yahoo.com.

save the date for Our 100th Anniversary Holiday Bazaar!

Our 100th Anniversary Holiday Bazaar is Saturday, November 2.

Our Bazaar rooms/tables and their chairpersons are:

  • Handmade Crafts: no chair (please see Ruth or Judy if you are interested!)
  • Jewelry, Scarves, Ties: Glenna Emilo, Pat Zeliff, Margaret Eagan
  • Themed Gift Baskets: Chris Ketcham, Bobbie Shinehouse
  • Book Room: Janet Franklin
  • Plants and Garden Table: Wendy Warren, Candy McLaughlin
  • Toys, Puzzles, and Games: Robyn Sattel
  • Soups and Pies: Nancy Foster
  • Food Table: Maureen Williams, Alice Munson
  • Quilt Raffle: Deb Farnham


We are now recruiting volunteers to help during the important pre-Bazaar week (Wednesday–Friday, Oct. 30–Nov. 1) with setting up, arranging, and pricing. A sign-up has been posted in Fellowship Hall.


Let us know if you have any questions about how you can support this special Bazaar! You can volunteer to help or bring your donations to any of the sale rooms or tables during the days and times listed in the schedule below.



Bazaar Chairs, Ruth Penfield (ruthpenfield@gmail.com) and Judy Jessup (judyjessupvt@gmail.com)


Wednesday, Oct. 30, 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.: Donations can be dropped off at the North Pleasant Street entrance upstairs. Bazaar workers will be setting up spaces, sorting, and pricing merchandise and non-perishable food items.


Thursday, Oct. 31, 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.: Workers continue to receive, arrange, and price donations.


Friday, Nov. 1, 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.: Last day to drop off donated items! And the first day to drop off perishable foods, including baked goods (whole pies, etc.) and soups.

Friday 9:00 to noon: Theme baskets should be brought to the church. To make alternate arrangements, contact Chris Ketcham.


Bazaar Day:


Saturday morning, Nov. 2: Perishable foods (pies, soups, food table baked goods) can be delivered between 8:00 and 8:30 at the Seymour Street portico entrance. Workers should arrive and be in place by 8:30 a.m. for any last-minute instructions and final setup. (Workers should not park in church parking areas.)


DOORS OPEN Saturday, Nov. 2: at 9:00 a.m.! Bazaar runs from 9:00 to 3:00. Plan to come out to see all the wonderful offerings we’ll have for sale. Invite your family members, neighbors, and friends to join you!


Sunday, Nov. 3: Second Chance Sale and Quilt Raffle: Immediately after Sunday worship in Fellowship Hall, we sell items not sold on Saturday. We will also announce the lucky winner of the beautiful Roundabout Quilt generously donated by Dorothy Douglas!


Sponsor Our MIDDUCC BOCCE Team to benefit CSAC

Counseling Service of Addison County's biggest fundraiser of the year is on Saturday, September 14th at the Middlebury Recreation Field from 9:30-12:30 PM. Our Church team the MiddUCC Peace Rollers will be there with hopes of bringing back a trophy! Please help us raise money for this cause by donating on-line and come and cheer us on!



Hope collection

Gather & Share:

September is Canned and Jarred Food


August's Personal paper products filled a great need and were well appreciated by HOPE clients, but they also did not weigh in at much. 


So....now it is time to get "heavy" into some canned food. Please bring in any kind of canned or jarred food that you deem fit for the growing families and seniors who make use of the HOPE pantry to make it through the month. As always, HOPE expresses their thankfulness for our Church project!

  • september Birthdays

    • to view birthdays for any month of the year SIGN IN to our online directory.
    • Click on Calendar in the upper left of the screen.

    Missy Gill                                             September 1

    Kathy Heitkamp                                September 1

    Allison Stanger                                  September 1

    Jake Miller                                           September 3

    Ruth Westfall                                     September 4

    Tre Bonavita                                       September 5

    Andrew Gleason                              September 5

    Nancy Tellier                                      September 5

    Jeff Ellison                                           September 6

    Anna Berg                                           September 8

    Leanna Maglienti                              September 8

    Michael Roy                                       September 8

    Frankie McDowell                            September 9

    Corey Gillen                                        September 10

    Hillary Swift                                        September 10

    Jim Swift                                              September 10

    Phil Heitkamp                                    September 11

    Matthew Kubacki                             September 11

    Margaret Durst                                 September 12

    Sam Prouty                                         September 12

    George Devlin                                   September 14

    Meredith Durst                                 September 14

    Nick Marshall                                     September 14

    Hogan Beazley                                  September 16

    Lisa Evarts                                           September 16

    Lydia Gleich Munn                           September 17

    Donald Maglienti                              September 17

    Meg Oakes                                         September 18

    Margaret Orten                                September 18

    Harmony Wright                               September 18

    Luke Bleich                                          September 19

    Cindy Jones                                        September 19

    Ruth Penfield                                    September 20

    Mark Gleason                                    September 22

    Hugh McLaughlin                             September 22

    Tiffany Stowe                                    September 22

    CJ Vant                                                 September 22

    Dorothy Douglas                               September 23

    Alexander Dalton                             September 24

    Tassi Luksch                                        September 24

    Patricia Thompson                          September 24

    Asher Lehman                                   September 25

    Giovanna Neary                                September 25

    TJ Springthorpe                                 September 25

    Dana Livesay                                      September 26

    Pam Spatafora                                  September 27

    Saph Evans Nash                              September 28

    Raine Evans Nash                             September 28

    Dottie Neuberger                            September 28

    Kyra Diehl                                            September 29

    Barbara Walter                                  September 29

    Silas Erno                                             September 30

    Jan Lyons                                             September 30

    Doug McKain                                     September 30

  • September Anniversaries

    Bronwen & Gregor Kent                               September 5

    Raymond & Amy Shute                                September 5

    Peter & Michelle Nelson                               September 6

    Jim & Liz Robinson                                      September 9

    Al & Barbara Stiles                                       September 10; 69 years!

    Gary & Cindi Gillen                                       September 13

    Brian Slavin & Jennifer Stefani                     September 16

    Chas & Halina Lyons                                    September 19

    Sarah Tully & Tom Weiner                            September 23

    Ruth Penfield & Doug McKain                     September 25

    Mary Alice & Chuck Beazley                        September 28